U Dictionary app

 If you are interested in languages ​​and are looking for translating some words from different languages, but you do not find what translates these words in the way you like, and you have tried Google translator, but you did not like its translation because it translates literally without translating the sentences in a correct and accurate way, then this article will suit you and you will like it very much because we will talk about a distinguished translator that gives you a lot of translation correctly without any problem this application is U Dictionary

U dictionary app
The translation application is considered one of the applications that you cannot do without throughout your studies, regardless of your level of foreign language, because you will always need to translate some words related to your studies, and then you will use them in the appropriate scientific field

 Students of medical colleges often come across words such as metabolism  and heart lesions and treatment

 Students of the Faculty of Economics also encounter words such as health insurance, credits, trading, and mortgage

 Informatics students also suffer with words such as software and many other words in various colleges that require a strong translator

 It helps to know many specialized scientific words that you will find in the U application  Dictionary, which is considered a large and huge dictionary because it includes a number of other dictionaries, such as Oxford

 There are a number of English articles, games, and questions in the dictionary that help you raise your level in the English language, in addition to that it supports other languages, not just the English language

Pros of U Dictionary app

 A large encyclopedia of words found in various languages, where there is one of the most reliable dictionaries, which is the Oxford Dictionary for 12 different languages

This dictionary not only translates words, but also teaches you the English language professionally and distinctly

This application is characterized by the fact that it provides a professional translation of texts, images and words, in addition to that it can translate articles by photographing them, and it can translate between more than 108 languages

 As for translating images of texts, it can recognize 93 languages

You can download a number of parts and clips related to a number of languages ​​in order to use them in the movie mode that is available in this application for each of the lessons, photos and videos that you download

 You can get fast translation when you use this application, and you will not find any problem with that

 There is a folder for the words that you want to save in it so that you can return to them quickly when you want them

This application is distinguished by the correct and accurate pronunciation of the English language and other languages, so that it can distinguish between the English accent and the American accent

There are entertaining games in the application that can help you in learning the language in general, in addition to challenges and puzzles to form foreign words

Download the application
You can download the application via the following link click here

U Dictionary app U Dictionary app Reviewed by Doctor on November 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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